About Self Trainings / Workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project is about teaching and learning a particular FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) like Linux, Scilab, LaTeX, PHP & MySQL, Java, C/C++, LibreOffice etc. via an easy Video tool - Spoken Tutorials. Today, SMEs and Govt. departments are moving to Open Source Software like Linux OS. Students with this knowledge will have an edge in the job market. They can also become entrepreneurs and use Open Source Software in their businesses, and save money vs., if they were using commercial software. Net - it is a win-win situation for all. We are having a very good experience with colleges across the length and breadth of India with this format. They start with one and move to cover more batches, more departments, different FOSS series....All working together to Bridge the Digital Divide in our nation.Some of the salient features of SELF (Spoken Tutorial based Education and Learning through Free FOSS study) Workshops are as follows.

  1. 1. This distance education method is highly conducive to self-learning.
  2. 2. Once one gets started any student or faculty can master the FOSS and also get
        certificates, Silver/Learner's and Gold (based on clearing an assessment test)
    3. UG, PG or Research scholar students and even teachers of Science, IT, Engineering,
        Commerce, Management, MCA disciplines can learn any of the FOSS.
    4. Typically, the first workshop at any college is of 2 hours duration. Timing is per the group's
    5. To start of, any college which is organising the workshop needs to get a computer lab
         ready with machines that support sound. There is no lower or upper limit on the number of
         participants. This just depends on the number of computers available. For additional
         participants, laptops if available can be used.
    6. Support from IIT Bombay is available over Skype, in such cases the main organiser's
      computer should have a webcam via which the Spoken Tutorial team can monitor the     workshop and answer questions.
    7. If the participants wish to take the test they must do so Within a month of the workshop.